Band App


Sunday - 9:45AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM BIBLE STUDY And prayer

Stay connected with the congregation

Prayer requests, church updates, and more, all without the need for a social media account. Click on your device's operating system to download the app, open up the app, then search for "Fellowship Baptist Church." 

  Android Devices
  Apple Devices

Directions for Band App

You can create an account with your Google account, Facebook account, other email, or phone number. Once you have logged in, click here for the Fellowship Baptist Church group and join. Or, when you are in the app, use the Search feature at the top and search for Fellowship Baptist Church. Additionally, you can scan this QR Code:


Your Home Page

Your home page will show you icons for groups (bands) you have joined in the center of the page.

At the top right corner of the home page, you can touch on your personal icon or letter to access posts you've made, Bookmarks, and Upcoming Events (this is a calendar that accumulates all the calendars from different bands you are in).

At the top middle of the page, you have four options - Your bands (looks like a house), Posts (looks kind of like a newspaper), Your notifications (looks like a bell), Your chats (looks like a dialogue bubble), and Settings (3 horizontal lines).

Notification Settings In The App

When you are in the home page, click on the 3 horizontal lines, then select Settings. 

1. Push Notifications - these are the notifications that pop up and/or sound on your phone. You can select this option to set general settings for Post Notifications (that's when someone makes a announcement-type post in the group), Comment Notifications (this controls whether/how you are notified when someone comments on a general post), and Chat Notification (this is the equivalent of text messaging within the app). You can also change the sounds for each type of notification here, as well as set up a "Do Not Disturb" by duration (let's say you want to stop hearing the dinging for an hour) or by specified times.

2. Email Notifications - If turned on, this allows you get an email notification as well as or in place of Push Notifications.

3. Customize Each Band - this lets you change your settings for specific bands (groups) you are in (if TCA is your only band/group you are in, then you really don't need to go to this setting).

4. When you are in the chat section of a specific group, you can select on a specific chat, click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right hand corner, and turn off notifications for that specific chat.

In A Group

To enter into a group like FBC, just touch on the group icon on your home page.

The first screen you will see is the community board. This is where Posts go. You can "like" posts, comment on posts, and "like" other people's comments.

At the bottom of the screen you will see 5 icons (if you don't see them, just touch or slide the screen and they will appear). From left to right you have Chats (like texts), Pics (if any pics have been uploaded to the group), Calendar (for the specific band), People (in the specific band), and Settings.

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